Our Vision
Our vision for A Touch From Above? I’ll share six basic goals and projects the Lord has placed in my heart.
First Goal & Project
Vision: To stream worldwide and preach the gospel everyday.
How will we reach the nations? God has brought some amazing people into our church, who speak many different languages: Congo, Africa which speak, Lingala, Swahili, Tshiluba and French, from the Philippines which speak Tagalog and Spanish. from Poland which speak Polish. We also have many friends from Korea and Vietnam who are willing and ready to help reach their nation and people with the Gospel message of Jesus.
** We’ve started Sunday 10:00 AM church service at A Touch From Above Prayer Mountain, 16145 Hwy 67, Ramona CA 92065. Join us EVERYONE is welcome, a place where Jesus is Lord, and lives are being changed.
It’s just a start and we’re looking forward to streaming everyday very SOON. We’re streaming Facebook Live every Wednesday @ 7 PM (Pacific Time)
Let’s not forget the WHOLE USA, with the computer or phone many will be able to watch A Touch From Above live everyday. We need to purchase a few more pieces of equipment and we’ll be up and running. I’m sure the Holy Spirit will bring many more people who speak different languages to touch every nation and all people.
The Holy Spirit spoke very clear to my heart years ago, “My Name shall be whispered on the wings of the wind from this Prayer Mountain.” I didn’t understand how, years ago, but now I understand!
Second Goal & Project – Prayer Mountain
Vision: To build out the Prayer Mountain to accommodate many people a day to pray.
We can touch heaven from our knees. Jesus separated Himself to pray. He went up to the mountain, and we too need a place to get away to pray and fast. I purchased 25 acres of beautiful land in Southern California, in San Diego County. It took 6 years to obtain a Major Use Permit, to approve the use of our land for prayer.
A Touch From Above-Prayer Mountain, is now a place set aside for Christians from everywhere to come and pray and fast. We started right away, remodeling, landscaping, planting trees, and building beautiful rock walls and setting trails with cement benches throughout the land for private prayer. We also built three small cabins, our Joshua, Caleb, and our Africa Cabin. We have our Mary and Martha cabin that accommodates six, and our Upper Room Cabin for many more. We’re continually work hard to make A Touch From Above Prayer Mountain your place to pray.
We have a full Deli and coffee bar, for those who are coming for a few days and desire meals. We’re wheel chair accessible and close to the bathrooms and showers.
We have tent sites available to accommodate many more people for prayer. Little by little, we will build out everything on the Prayer Mountain. We’ve seen many come from around the world to pray and fast. Some for a day, and some for 20 days. We’re preparing a wall for our heroes, spiritual Heroes, pastors who have stood the test of time and have given their lives to preach the gospel for many years.
Third Goal & Project
Vision: To pioneer an Inner City Spirit-Filled Church.
In October 2014 we launched out into the city of San Diego, CA, to Barrio Logan. Known for gang violence, drugs and sex trafficking. Finding a perfect building, we prepared it, not only for church services but also drama productions, and for musical outreaches to help reach the UN-churched. We saw within 6 years over 6000 people come to salvation.
As of today, we’re teaching and training up a team of young men and women to lead and grow a powerful Spirit-filled church at the Prayer Mountain. Our vision is to grow, and expand God’s kingdom one soul at a time.
We’re looking at launching A Touch From Above- Christian University in September 2021.
We believe in church growth, and preaching the full gospel message. Salvation, healing, baptism in the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues, tithing and giving 10% of our income to help expand the kingdom of God. Water Baptism, and witnessing everywhere we go to reach the lost souls, and most of all prayer.
** We’ve started Sunday 10:00 AM church service at A Touch From Above Prayer Mountain, 16145 Hwy 67, Ramona CA 92065. Join us EVERYONE is welcome, a place where Jesus is Lord, and lives are being changed.
Fourth Goal & Project
Vision: To purchase housing for abused women, children and for widows.
I have worked with hurting women for over 37 years, starting with my first home in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in time it turned into 3 homes and 3 more in Oregon. A total of 500 women have gone through A Touch From Above – Victorious Homes for Women program, and 250 men in our men’s program.
Living in San Diego, CA, I see once again a great need to purchase another home in Ramona, CA.
Allow me to share a few testimonies:
Testimony: Hi, I’m a mom with two beautiful little children; I hid in order to be safe. I married with an understanding he would love and protect me, but after four years of being married the abuse started. His personality changed. I didn’t know what had happened. I wasn’t sure if he started doing drugs.
One day he loved me and was kind, the next day, he was different. It started with yelling, then the hitting started. I now had two small children. The beatings grew worse and worse, until I finally fled for my safety and for my children. I left with barely enough money, just a few clothes and very little of my belongings. I knew if my husband caught me packing, I wouldn’t be writing this today. I couldn’t take the abuse any longer. It was unfair for my children to see and hear the screaming and the abuse. Those closest me, would say, “He’s going to kill you, but really it was just a matter of when!” NO, it’s not easy, but today, I’m safe. Signed: Mom with Two Little Ones
Testimony: I didn’t know what happened, our relationship seemed like it turned on a dime. Months and months of fighting, I had just had a baby, and we were driving down the street when he started yelling. Screaming louder and louder, then all of a sudden he reached over across me, opened the car door while driving and pushed me out of the car. I had my new baby in my arms all bundled in a blanket, it happened so fast. My husband threw me right out of the car.
I rolled out of the car with my baby in my arms. He continued driving. It was only a miracle we didn’t get killed or run over. Before I knew what happened, Dr. Luauna was helping me get up and out of the street. I was in a panic. She took me right into her home, I just sat there shaking and weeping out of control. Thinking how my husband threw me out of a moving car. Thank God, he threw me out right in front of one of Dr. Luauna’s women’s homes. I was blinded by twisted love, so abused and didn’t even realize it. Today I’m free from abuse. Signed: I’m Free
These are only two testimonies, I have hundreds. Some will make you weep and some could make you very angry. It takes a team to help with this project, and especially today with “crystal meth” being a drug of choice. It’s wicked and makes one lose their mind and all control. These moms and children need our help. I have also noticed the overwhelming need for housing widows. Jesus had great compassion for the widows.
5th Goal & Project
Vision: To purchase housing for Wounded and broken Veterans
Throughout the years I have worked with many military men and women. I traveled with Move America Forward a 23 city tour, as spokeswoman for our Brave Military Troops, which ended in Washington DC with over 10,000 people in attendance.
Hear in San Diego, CA. we have one of the largest VA Hospitals. There is a great need, many of our veterans are homeless, broken in spirit, and bound in drugs. Did you know? Every day an average of 22 veterans daily commit suicide. Our vision: A work training program to help fit back into the workforce. Help each veteran to know their worth in Jesus, help renew their minds, and give them a warm and safe place to lay their head down at night. Many in our ministry are veterans and have grown in the strength and the grace of God. They are now in the Lord’s ARMY.
6th Goal & Project
Vision : To produce and direct Christian movies from A Touch From Above Prayer Mountain.
Everyone we work with I’m seeing more and more how our testimonies give JESUS all glory. Our life stories in movie form can touch MILLIONS of people for Jesus.
Thank you for allowing me to share our vision, and six goals and projects for A Touch From Above. If you would like to get involved and be apart we welcome you. An old saying, “Many hands make work light.” We covet your prayers, and if you would like to give a monthly gift, or a one time gift, together we can make the difference.