Church Service
Join Us Sunday 10 AM

A Touch From Above Prayer Mountain 16145 Hwy. 67 – Ramona, CA 92065
Church services are held every Sunday 10 am at the Prayer Mountain. Go to the little coffee shop before service and purchase a mocha or a delicious freshly brewed coffee. Then join in praise and worship under the beautiful wooden Tabernacle. The side walls can roll down in the winter and roll up in the summer. Dress warm in the winter, it's amazing, 25 beautiful acres, God's Word echoes on the wings of the wind.

A Touch From Above Prayer Mountain 16145 Hwy. 67 – Ramona, CA 92065
When I think about Jesus preaching out in the open, I believe the Prayer Mountain is where Jesus would have been preaching and reaching the lost. Come up to the mountain, you'll love it.
Matthew 5:1 " And seeing the multitudes, Jesus went up on the mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him.
His wonderful presence is what changes the heart of mankind.
Word Up Wednesday 7 PM - Facebook Live
Join: Word Up Wednesday Facebook Live Service.
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I had the wonderful privilege to be a part of the largest Spirit filled Christian church in the world. It grew to be a large church 850,000 members and yet it was small and personal. I would love to invite you to one of our Life Groups throughout San Diego County.
We have people who come up to the Prayer Mountain every Sunday from all areas of San Diego. Our Home Cell Life Groups give everyone an opportunity to be apart and not get lost or left out.
We'd would love to meet you. Learn your Bible as we take you through God’s Word. Word Up Wednesday's a powerful time, be ready to dive into the Word of God.
Walk with Jesus through the streets of Jerusalem. Step into the upper room and learn more about the Holy Spirit’s power. Learn what the Bible says about the end times, and the mark of the beast and so much more.
See how Jesus healed the sick and changed the lives of thousands. Call: 1 (760) 315-1967 for your nearest Home Cell Life Group. You'll never be the same, as you discover God's love and how great is to be a part of God's great kingdom.

Join Morning Prayer
Join us at 6:30 am (PST) Tuesday - Friday live on Facebook;
Facebook Live @DrLuauna Stines
I'll take you through the Bible. We go through our whole Bible together every year. God’s Word comes alive it's a great way to start your day. It's a powerful time, be ready to dive into the amazing Word of God.
Psalm 119:147; "I will rise before the dawning of the morning and cry for help; I hope in Your Word."
Walk with Jesus and see how Jesus healed the sick and changed the lives of thousands. Discover how Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Wednesdays 7 PM (PST) - Join Our Service
Facebook Live @DrLuauna Stines
Sunday 10:45 AM
Send your Prayer Request
E-mail: [email protected]

Watch Dr. Luauna on television in San Diego, CA
Cox Cable – Channel 18 and 23 (Sunday 9 AM)
Spectrum Cable – Channel 19 (Wednesday 5:00 PM)
Radio: 2:30 PM to 3:00 PM (PST)
A Touch From Above w/ Dr. Luauna Stines – San Diego, CA
Live Radio – KPRZ 1210 AM and 106.1 FM San Diego, California.
Or listen live 24 / 7 – Online.

Watch Dr. Luauna on television in San Diego, CA
Cox Cable – Channel 18 and 23 (Sunday 9 AM)
Spectrum Cable – Channel 19 (Wednesday 5:00 PM)
Radio: 2:30 PM to 3:00 PM (PST)
A Touch From Above w/ Dr. Luauna Stines – San Diego, CA
Live Radio – San Diego, California.
24 / 7 – Listen live online.
Join Us
Join us as we minister the wonderful Good News. Hundreds of people are on the fast lane of their life with no concern for Heaven or Hell. Jesus. He has called us, to go forth. Standing on the street corner, or walking down 5th Ave., singing and sharing what Jesus has done in our hearts.
Many people are hurting and have never heard the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Some people will never enter a church, so we must take the church to them. Together we make a greater difference. Pray for us as we go forth to gather in a harvest of souls for Jesus Christ.
We’re seeing many people come to Jesus, some come and listen to the music and the sermon. One young boy said, “I don’t know what a Christian is.” He prayed to receive Jesus as his Lord and savior. He was so excited as we gave him his own first Bible. He walked away, with a big smile reading his Bible.
Saints, God bless you! Let’s stand for Jesus Christ in these last days. And thank you for your prayers and support. Praise echoes across the city streets, or over the waters at the beach by the Holy Spirit, powerful testimonies, or a simple sermon message goes forth in His power on the wings of the wind.
An altar call is always given at the end of the outreach and prayer for those who are in need. “Who can make a temple made by man's hands that I may dwell in,” says the Lord, “for behold I dwell in the hearts of men.” God bless you, and again thank you for your prayers. I love you in Jesus. You are special indeed.
Our ministry couldn’t do what we do without your help. Thank you!