Mission Africa

Dr. Luauna & Village Children

As I traveled throughout Malawi, one village after another, I saw many wonderful people, in need of the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
Be a part of A Touch From Above - Mission Africa, your gift greatly needed and appreciated.
Over 12 million people need food across southern Africa, after a lack of rain. This may be hard to understand; in America we have restaurants everywhere we look and fast-food places on every main corner.
I did not see tummy filled kids in the villages of Africa. I saw many hungry kids, some wandering from village to village, hoping to find someone who would feed them. Some kids wandered, because their mothers and fathers died from AIDS.
Many families in Africa go to bed with no food and children wander with no home or family. My eye would catch a glance of a young three- or five-year-old boy or girl, with their little tummies looking as if it would explode, belly buttons protruding, is a sign of malnutrition, it was a sad sight.

Isaac and Ruth Gomani
By God’s grace and your help, our work will continue in Malawi as we prepare for crusades and the building of, A Touch From Above- Mission Africa – Bible School.
We will then teach thousands of men and women free of charge so they can go back to their villages and make impact for Christ. It is vital we train Malawian nationals in order to train other Africans because it breaks the cultural barrier for them to see fellow Africans rising in God’s work.
Malawi has a unique need; they are one of the third poorest countries in Africa because of drought and flooding. They also have an epidemic of malaria. Very few missionaries, preachers or organizations go to Malawi. There is no fame or fortune to be won there, they need our help, and I need your HELP.
Village Market
We can turn this nation around by preaching the gospel message of Jesus Christ. If you would like to help build the A Touch From Above – Mission Africa build a Bible School, please give right now!

Little Homeless Boy
A Touch From Above by the grace of God has purchased 10 acres of land, and we've dug a well to provide water for planting a crop to feed hundreds.
Our next goal is to build a Bible school in Malawi, Central Africa. An old saying, “Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he eats for a lifetime.”
While ministering in Malawi, people gathered, and hundreds gave their hearts to Jesus. When I asked how many people had a bible? Only two people raised their hands in a crowd of thousands. I asked, how many can read? Again, only two people raised their hands. We can teach them to read the Bible and apply the Word of God to their lives. The righteousness of Christ brings blessing, prosperity, joy, freedom, wisdom and healing.
Village Children
For your gift of $200 I will send you one of my hand painted oil paintings of Africa, painted By Dr. Luauna Stines. Together we can accomplish a GREAT task and reap a wonderful harvest of souls into God’s wonderful kingdom.

Please Help to accomplish this goal.
While on my trip to Malawi Africa, I met a young man named Isaac, he stood out in the crowd. I knew there was something very special about this man, named Isaac, (My name means laughter) I smiled as I saw this young man’s great big smile. I said I do know what your name means..! We worked so well together in Africa, and what a blessing he was as we ministered, we saw so many people come to Jesus, I lost all count. A year later, I brought this young man Isaac, only 25 years old to San Diego, California, for one year. He trained at the Prayer Mountain. Prayer every morning, Bible reading and learning all the basics of Christianity. He’s a powerful young man. Without him, many would have not received Jesus as I ministered in Malawi. When he came to the USA for the first time, he had to break many old traditions, superstitions and cultural barriers to renew his mind with the Word of God.